Monday, September 26, 2005

girs weekend away

so fun! spent weekend at wheatland, wy, in someones house (we took over), except for my short stint of walking around the farm. until i found a cow carcass. well, i got about 5 m away and it looked like a bear (still had skin - as far as i could see) so i thought, hm, they're meant to be dangerous, and quite fast, so i backed off and walked around the otherside, peered through the gate and lo'&behold. it's a dead cow.

anyway, spend most of weekend, studying while watching movies between meals. had a great bible study time on saturday afternoon and a bonfire and smores on saturday night. took some fun photos as the barn looks like the one from clark's parents house in lois and clark...

which will arrive in the mail in a day or two! yay! season one of lois and clark! its like christmas. if only i had a dvd player - oh wait, i'm getting a lap top (for study purposes primarily but theres nothing wrong with a little multi-tasking).

Will go down to shops and compare computer prices/specs etc. and hopefully get an explanation for my silly phone. i lost over half my credit when i changed my number. but my original number wasn't in my phone so i had to. and i still don't understand why i lost my credit. so there! silly man at radioshack. grr.

will have photos from weekend up soon.


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