Saturday, October 15, 2005

homecoming saturday

so, there's very little new and interesting to say about football. i left at half time, tired, sore eyes and reading to do, so i still don't know the score. but interesting points:

frat boys eh... they had the letters to spell out something creative along the lines of 'go cowboys' on their chests.
me and benedict - from germany. go the international students. although he keeps forgetting i'm not american because i 'speak really good english', at which i scoffed, and told him neither americans nor i speak 'good english'.
dumb song, but kinda cool shirts. not as creative, dirty or funny as 'save a horse, ride a cowboy' but an interesting addition to the scenery.
And, don't forget, the cheer leaders, the band, the american flag in the back ground, cowboyhat in the foreground. gee, where could i be?

alright. that'll do donkey, that'll do


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