Thursday, June 08, 2006


most women (minus the ones who resent the prices of bought flowers and would rather have something that lasted) would agree that roses are wonderful gifts. basically, having now recieved one bouquet of roses, i have joined the club, and there's nothing quite like it. i'm pretty sure guys don't understand but they go along with it because we must demonstrate the wooshy feeling they incite...

the conundrum: what is the equivalent of roses, for guys? ... that you can give them if you're not married to them, i mean... ;)

i guess its different for each man. us girls tend to generalise, whether we really believe what we say or not, that all men are basically the same, want the same things, etc. like we know what those things are... perhaps we should give them more credit.

i have been expertly swept off my feet, and though apparently i don't particularly need to, i'd like to return the favour. suggestions are most welcome ;)


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