Tuesday, August 31, 2004

bored at work

Okay, so it's a poor excuse for work. Basically I sit in a swivel chair and answer the phone, "Goodmorning/afternoon Airways New Zealand. Amy speaking." Feel like a robot. But they pay me over $12 an hour so call me robot.

And the unlimited coffee is appreciated.

And the internet access.

And the online phone list, touch tone phone, ergonoically designed computer/workspace...

It's a good life. Just boring.

Shall get a hot chocoloate.


Excellent. All set. So anyway, I spent most of the day looking for job vacancies in Europe and the UK. Just on the offchance Dad does get this job in Amsterdam... I'm thinking I'll never get a job in the Netherlands, you know, speaking no dutch and all, but England is just a trot across the North Sea, by my brilliant geographical knowledge, and probably cheaper to get to than a bus from Rotterdam. Though there is a cool song about Rotterdam or anywhere, liverpool or Rome. I could get a job in liverpool or Rome! I may have emailed liverpool, not sure. Sent heaps of emails about jobs advertised for youth workers in the UK. It's the only substantial work experience I have: three years as a youth leader. Rome on the otherhand... would be idyllic. But my Italian is as refined as my Dutch. Although, while i have no desire to learn Dutch I would love to learn Italian... talk about sexy.

There is a digger outside. Keeps freakin me out. Like some machines-taking-over-the-world disaster movie. AAaaaaaah! Run for your lives! Save yourself! It's coming to get me. After it's finished with the topsoil...

I have an hour to kill... grr. Or maybe I'll walk home, then I can leave early - don't have to wait for Dad to finish so I can get a ride... except I didn't bring a jacket because when i left home thismorning it was a beautiful sunny 'hellow it's spring tomorrow' kind of day. Now, however, grumble, winter is digging it's fingernails in. Bollocks to winter I say. I am over you. Go away. Go north. Haunt the other atmosphere. Scorn us no more. Almost a shakespearean rant at the weather.

27 minutes till I'm free.

And my hot choc is half gone. So is my moro bar. But I do have some werther's originals toffees. Ooh!


Blogger Andrea Eames said...

Oooh! You might be going to Europe! so exciting! tell me more!

5:32 pm  

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