final weekend before finals
final weekend in laramie
final weekend with homework to do
final weekend in dorms. possibly ever...
no complaints, whatsoever. looking forward to living in a house again. and getting excited about christmas now that the end is in sight. 3 days in sight! doesn't seem so painfully long now.
on 6 of 7 pages (single spacing - so will be the required 15 or so when done) for essay due tomorrow by 5pm, and will get (terrible) draft back tomorrow for working on and finishing by wednesday at 2. then home free! or at least free! home is a couple more weeks away.
but current plans for time left in US
monday - meeting with eric, picking up draft, handing in essay1, working on essay2, going to dinner at KKr sorority house with lindsey and kelly, krystal's party
tuesday - essay2 bollocks, hopefully the gym, very noble eh... then at night i think it's frieda's house for potluck and goodbyes
wednesday - finish essay 2, joy oh joy! maybe the gym again (wonderfully noble) celebrations, some packing perhaps, reading novels due at library a while back now - but really dont' need wonderful record at albany co. library. i should survive unless they employ hitmen. bit unreasonable for library books perhaps. write christmas cards and distribute. then in evening dinner with ismail, caolon and wife, jillian and fiance at altitude or something. laundry at some point might be wise.
thursday - finish library books, more packing up, buying presents that are UW related, posting hillary's christmas present, returning library books, celebrations (and probably bursting into song without warning... just occasionally) lunch at 12 with friend from church, and maybe dinner with someone else to say goodbye. laundry if not done on wed.
friday - final pack up and leave for cheyenne with amanda. relax! read, write, watch movies and eat. perhaps a walk around the shops for exercise, gotta see pride and prejudice and king kong (johnny worked on the set! that's right. i know all the important ppl) and bit of chirstmas shoppin, exploring cheyenne - until the 20th
20th - to denver - party with lindsey and see the sights - and above movies if not yet.
some time go to eitmillers for christmas. plan gets blurry and proof of my terrible organizational skills becomes evident. screaming in fact. oh dear.
time for supper. need food obviously, or can't think.